He Booked It: How To Get From Jacksonville Acting Student to Working in L.A. for E! News

Leighton E News

Five months ago, Leighton Maxon entered our Intro to Acting Class at our Jacksonville, Florida, Studio. He had no prior experience or training, however, what he did have (and still does have) is an unwavering dedication to learning, growing, challenging himself, working diligently, and becoming a skilled craftsman. Acting, like any trade, is hard work, […]

Corporate Team Building Activities: Improve Performance with Improv!

Every manager wants to have the best performing team in the entire company. Actually, if we want to be really honest, every manager wants to head the best performing team in the world! It is well known that teams work best when there is a common culture created among their members which helps them work […]

How Do I Choose an Acting Coach?

How Do I Choose an Acting Coach? This question comes up a lot, especially from our students who are making the move from Jacksonville to a new city to continue their acting journey. I also saw it posted three times over the weekend in different casting groups. If you are in search of an acting […]